RAMP? Roadmap? AIRTROP 10K $ TROP?

1 min readJan 30, 2021

RAMP X INTEROP: What will we be working on?

For our to be launched NFT marketplace people will also be able to bid and buy using $RAMP and $RUSD as currency in INTEROP WEB.

For now we will first launch our staking and farming before even mentioning any other deadlines.

Our short term roadmap will be released after staking and farming are live!

What More?
Every month when we AIRTROP our NFT Art we will also randomly pick some RAMP holders. We will make sure this adress finds out about the fact something is waiting in there.

AIRTROP 10K TROP TEST RUN and SNAPSHOT for all holders

We will make a Snapshot for all holders. It will be done any time today, we will not reveal any exact time to prevent people from making many extra wallets to get more AIRTROP

For this test run we will divide it all equal, so big and small wallets all get the same amount!

ATM there are 620 adresses for 10K. 16 dollar per wallet. But we expect an increase on wallets in the coming period!

More integrations and use cases will be announced in the future.

For more info on our partner RAMP please visit their website:

